Mini project: Cooking Workshop, 19/06/18 French Chocolate Cookies with 5A

ÚvodAktualityČlánkyMini project: Cooking Workshop, 19/06/18 French Chocolate Cookies with 5A

Mini project: Cooking Workshop, 19/06/18 French Chocolate Cookies with 5A

15.07.2018Emilie Lolivier

Mini project: Cooking Workshop, 19/06/18
French Chocolate Cookies with 5A

1. Idea:

I would like to realize a mini-project about cooking. I really enjoy to cook some sweets desserts. I reflected about something really easy and cheap.

Why did I decide to think about these aspects?

Children like to cook when they understand everything step of a recepie and when they can manipulate themselves the material and the ingredients. Make some cookies don’t need a lot of ingredients and there are really cheap and easy to find in every shop.

I had differents questions about this workshop before to realize it :
• How many children will we have?
• Where can we do this mini-project? Do we need to book the kitchen in Slovanka before?
• When can we do this?
• Do we have all of material?
• Do we have enought space and how to manage it during the workshop?

What about the goals for children?

After differents exchanges, we spoke together about these objectives of learning :
• Team-working : every child need to be active and to find how to help the group.
• Manual work : manipulation of ingredients and material
• Mathematic skill: count the quantity necessary of every ingredient
• Language skill: follow a recepie in a foreign language


2. Conception:

During this mini project, I needed to coordinate every group. This is for this reason I asked to Pia, Maxi and Lucy to have one group of five children. If somebody had a question, I was here to help them. One day before, I showed to Pia and Maxi how to make cookies. They made every step of the recepie with me.

One week before the mini-project, I realized a document with the recepie for three and four groups of five children, because we didn’t know how many of there will be present or not. However, we knew it was possible to realize some cooking activities in the kitchen in June.


3. Budget :

I knew one week before how many children approximatly could be present during this workshop. So I decided to buy some ingredients for six groups of five children because we managed my mini-project in two times:

One part of 5A during 45 minutes / Break of one hour / Second part of 5A during 45 minutes.

Lucy said me Pavel approuved the project and she decided to give me 500CZK when we exchanged about the quantities one day before the cooking project. Finally, I used less than 400 CZK in Kaufland and I gave her the rest and the bill to Pavel. I chose to take more quantity of every ingredients to be sure everything will be OK in case of mistake during the learning process or if we wll have more children than we said previously .

I used the project I wrote before to Lucy with how many ingredients I need for every group to count which quantity we need for all class.

I bought these ingredients to make cookies:

• chocolate
• flour
• sugar
• salt
• vanilla sugar
• baking powder
• eggs
• butter

During this workshop, I understood we had not enought eggs. I didn’t pay attention about the fact eggs are smaller than in France. So, we needed one more per group than it was writing in the recepies. I used the break time to buy eggs in Billa.

4. Realization:

We arrived to Slovanka’s kitchen 30 minutes before to begin the cooking workshop to organize every part for each group. We prepared together every space with the material to cook and every ingredient. But, we putted the wrong quantity of each to be sure they will understand the receptie and they will count everything.

Lucy proposed to me to explains the recepie at the beginning when the children arrived. So, they needed to read it and to be sure they understand all. If they didn’t understand, Lucy wrote or said the translation in Czech and I draw in the black board some precisions. After, we realized the differents steps of the recepies in three parts of the kitchen.

The first part of 5A was divided by three groups with Lucy, Maxi and Pia. I took some pictures and I coordinated all when it was necessary. The second part was divided by three group with Lucy, Maxi and me. I looked my group and I helped them when it was necessay. Pia took some pictures during this moment. We had enought times for every step and to clean the kitchen together after.

5. Youthpass competences:

This cooking workshop helped me in differents ways:

Competences Describe points
Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship • Write a document with the differents steps to realize and the necessary for every group.
• Manage everything in time.
Communication in foreign languages • Write a recepie in English
• Exchange with children in English
Learning to learn • Learn to my flatmates how to realize every step of a recepie
• Learn to children in a non-formal way
Mathematical competences • Realize a budget to realize this mini-project
Digital competences • Find a recepie easy to cook with cheap ingredients

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